What is 9Tales?
The goal of the 9Tales project is to develop a blockchain-based play-to-earn Card Game, with the same name. This game will tell the story of a fantasy world we have imagined. A world shared by 9 characters, 9 races, and 9 realms. A story of adventures, mystery and thrill, told in 9 tales.
The team behind the 9Tales project:
Our core team is composed of 3 adventurers, with a common interest in gaming, crypto and fantasy. From 3 different professional backgrounds (science, engineering, and art), we have met, for some reason, and agreed to combine our skills to make something, that we can look at and see all the things we love in one place. Here’s the team :
- Eruine42 : A scientist. A researcher in decentralized algorithms, with great love for games, anime, and political debates. He’s also a social media influencer, whose insights on crypto and defi has touched many people.
- Colonel Bihi : An engineer, whose passion is technology. His love for gaming, his enthusiasm for crypto and his big curiosity somehow led him to blockchain development.
- Mr ? : A mysterious artist and a fantasy lover. Our secret weapon, whose identity reveal would make waves.
In addition to the core team, the support team currently has 6 other partners working on the NFT-sale (These are the people to blame if something goes wrong)
- 2 other artists
- 2 developers
- 2 marketing and social media managers. That makes the core team 9 (for now), but that’s totally a coincidence lol.
- A number of other contractors.

What is the 9Tales NFT Collection ?
It’s an art collection of 9,999 uniquely generated hand-drawn characters. Each unique character will make a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), whose ownership would grant advantages throughout the different stages of the making of the 9Tales project, and in the 9Tales game itself. These Tokens will be the subject of a public sale (known as minting).
Why the NFT Collection Sale ?
The 9Tales NFT Collection Sale is the first step of the game project. It aims to :
- Build a supportive community for the game project
- Discuss and validate the key ideas and design guidelines of the game with this community
- Kick-start the raising of funds necessary for the development of the game.

When and where will the mint happen ?
The first part of the collection will follow these dates:
- Whitelist applications will open on November 20th 2021.
- Whitelist pre-sale will start on December 1st 2021.
- Public sale will start on December 12th 2021.
- The mint will happen on the Ethereum blockchain.
We will be proposing a new minting paradigm, to make minting both fun and fair to everyone. The details will be announced soon.
More info is available on our discord https://discord.com/invite/9talesnft
What’s the progress on the 9Tales game concepts and design ?
Even before the launch of the project, our team has developed a decent vision about the game concepts and the building guidelines. Solid progress has been made on the following aspects :
- Type of game : A fast-paced card game, for mobile and PC.
- Gameplay : Game modes, battle-system basic concepts, complexity, rewards system, etc.
- The economy of the game: A simplified model was prepared by studying many on-going crypto-gaming projects and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each of them in comparison to non-crypto games.
- Blockchain Technology : An analysis of current (and announced) blockchain techs available for the development of the game. An initial draft of the grid of interactions with the hosting blockchain was drawn.
- Development Team & Roadmap : Since the development team is the key element of success of any game project, some consultations have already been initiated with experts to determine the composition and architecture of the game development team. We are in the process of establishing a development studio in a yet to be announced location. Some key aspects above will be published for debate in the community in the right time. However, keep in mind that this is an early stage of the project: Some of the concepts of the game drafted so far might, and will probably, be tweaked and improved by the experts to be recruited for the development of the game. The fundamentals will stay the same, the details might change for the better.